Tuesday 15 March 2011

Wombles, Horses & Sportsters

What a week so far, gone from home to Park Royal to Islington to Stoke Newington and now Wimbledon Been cursed by the common dwelling beelzebubs that are the wombles by meeting my sis for a sandwich at lunch and opting for the roll covered in olives.  Those bloody wombles cursed me and I have been tasting the vile olives with their annoying theme tune in my head ever since I left Tower Bridge & saw the sign for Wimbledon, bastards.!

The bike is back in one piece as a garden ornament and even the promise of full on hospitality at Cheltenham this Friday cant take my mind away from it...... AARRGGGGHHHHHHHH I want two fucking wheels for the summer and im pissed of with myself for jumping the gun.

Maybe a few small £10 punts at the races will somehow magic me the finds for the sportster.  My OCD brain is going to explode.

Tuesday 8 March 2011

Mug of the Week

To save me going insane over thinking about how this bike is going to work out I will now add a Mug of the Week.

Apologies for the poor photo but the lucky winner of this weeks prestigous 'Mug shot' title goes to the idiot at the hotel i'm in tonight, Holiday Inn Gatwick, who has prised off his lovely jag badge and defaced his (or propably her judging by the playboy badge) very expensive motor with this...
Well done...... your a mug mate.

Monday 7 March 2011

The Rules: No 1

Rule No 1 - cheap shit parts and components have one place... it is not here.
Lesson learnt.

Can you go to Jersey

the answer was of course 'Yes boss' so now on my way to Jersey later this week.  Bike bits and evening reading will have to wait until Friday.